Patient-physician sex concordance and outcomes in cardiovascular disease: a systematic review.

TitlePatient-physician sex concordance and outcomes in cardiovascular disease: a systematic review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsHarik L, Yamamoto K, Kimura T, Rong LQ, Vogel B, Mehran R, C Bairey-Merz N, Gaudino M
JournalEur Heart J
Date Published2024 Mar 29

The sex disparity in outcomes of patients with cardiovascular disease is well-described and has persisted across recent decades. While there have been several proposed mechanisms to explain this disparity, there are limited data on female patient-physician sex concordance and its association with outcomes. The authors review the existing literature on the relationship between patient-physician sex concordance and clinical outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease, the evidence of a benefit in clinical outcomes with female patient-physician sex concordance, and the possible drivers of such a benefit and highlight directions for future study.

Alternate JournalEur Heart J
PubMed ID38551446
Grant ListT-32 HL160520-01A1 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States